Today is a good day to discuss Test Plans. Isn’t it?

🧑‍💻As you may know, the term ‘Test Artifact’ is widely used in the QA community. Test Artifacts - all by-products created during the software quality assurance process and shared with business analysts, PMs, dev teams, and anyone related to the project.

In short, these documents optimize the communication process within the project team.

📋 So, Test Plan and its characteristics.

A Test Plan is a test artifact that determines actions that should occur during the Test Run – from the development strategy to the acceptance criteria.

Its primary purpose is to be a strict guide for QA engineers to conduct their testing activities. It usually contains the scope of features required to test, a testing approach, and a schedule of planned tests. The test plan also provides the list of resources the QA engineer needs to work effectively.

To fulfill the description of the Test Plan, do not forget 🤔 to mention the following points:

✅ General testing purpose.

✅ A detailed description of how the testing will be conducted (testing approach).

✅ Functions, applications, or components being tested.

🛠TestCaseLab allows you to create test plans within a project. It is supposed to include the appropriate test cases ready for the test to run. In addition, you can add a description of the test plan so that you always have all the necessary information at your fingertips.

🤩To simplify the process, our application allows you to create test runs based on test plans. It means you don't have to move your test cases from one place to another. They are always available in a set, ready for your action.

Test plans can be used unlimited times. You can easily fill it with test cases, remove redundant ones and run tests.

Happy to know how you usually use test plans in your workflows👇🏼💬.